Talbot House Blog

Bag packing at Asda

18th July 2012

Once again 8 faithful recruits including volunteers and staff from Talbot House went bag packing at Asda, this time they managed to raise £367.24 The fund raisers armed with collection buckets, Talbot House t-shirts and a sense of determination descended on Asda on the 12th July to assist shoppers with their packing in return for donations.

There was friendly competition between the bagpackers to see who could raise the most money with people pairing up and going solo. Lauren Moore (our Jo's daughter) got into the competitive spirit of it all and wouldn't let her collection bucket out of her sight even when she went to the loo, she managed to raise the most with a staggering £53.55.

The team also met parent/carers who were out and about doing shopping who gave great feedback about Talbot House and the help they had received which made a difference to their lives.

Come and join  us on the 15th December 2012 for the next bag pack contact 0161 203 4095.

Click HERE for more pictures from the day.


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