Talbot House Blog

Talbot House chippy day out

11th May 2012

On the 25th April 2012 50 Talbot House parents and carers set sail for their yearly chippy treat and felt full, satisfied and rested after a feast of food and care.

They got in the coach at 11 am and headed not for the seaside but Bolton Town Centre for an all expenses paid, annual highlight of their Spring.

Met by head waiter Ali (pictured below) and his team, they had their coats taken and were expertly and politely guided to their tables in the Olympia Chippy conservatory.

There they tucked into to everything from the “Just Enough” fish and six chips to the massive 16 oz Fish Fillet – with organiser Jo Moore sneaking in as a very young pensioner for their special fish, chips and mushy peas with brown bread special.

After their meal, about a dozen stayed behind for tea, chat and cakes while the rest hit the nearby charity shops for a bargains bonanza before returning to the Olympia to discuss their finds over another cheering cuppa.

Jo, who bagged herself some reference books for her children including the Reader's Digest “How to Cook Everything” manual for a snip at £1.50, said: “It is one of the annual highlights, especially for the older parent carers. It was a great day out with the wonderful staff looking after everything from taking our coats when we arrive, to getting the food ready in minutes, and making us feel really welcome. It is a real respite for our carers.”

Lindsay Clayton, aged 37, said: “It was terrific. We don't normally get treated like that. I loved the men – the waiters. I felt like a Princess.”

Margaret Prince, aged 56, said: “It was a lovely day out. I got some real bargains including a nice top.”

Annie Joyce, aged 73, said: “I had fish, chips and curry. I like my curry. It is a lovely break – a bit of respite.''

And 54-year-old Sue Hudson agreed: “It was a relaxed atmosphere and we were made very welcome. I have never eaten fish like theirs before.”

And then it was home to Talbot House to relax, discuss the day's events and menu, and compare their purchases!

Click HERE to see more pictures from the chippy day out.

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