Talbot House Blog

Dawn's sky dive

17th December 2011

On the 17th December our Dawn Tulloch – a Talbot House parent is doing a sky dive for Cauldwells Children to raise money for Destination Dreams where Children with a severe disability get the opportunity to go over to Disney with their family underpinned with a package of support.

Dawn is very keen to raise funds for this charity and to raise awareness of the great work they do.
The jump is on 17th December in Whitchurch.

Please support her by phoning Emma at our Wythenshawe service on 07805234272.

Thank you for your support.

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Blog Archive
May 2013
Job vacancy 27th May 2013
A vacancy has arisen for a part time support worker in Wythenshawe
Chippy day out 8th May 2013
Talbot House parent/carers enjoyed a lovely chippy day out on the 1st May 2013
April 2013
Sad news 5th April 2013
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March 2013
Broadcast 26th March 2013
BBC Radio Manchester broadcast live from Talbot House today the 26th March 2013.
Suprise visit 15th March 2013
On the 15th March Talbot House had a surprise visit
Pamper Party 8th March 2013
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