Talbot House Blog

Feedback needed

25th January 2012

Due to the cuts from Manchester City Council we are collecting evidence in the form of a card or a letter about how Talbot House has helped you. For example if we have helped you with placements, benefits, emotional support, financial, direct payments, respite, education, reviews or IB's. Please would you find some time to help us with this and either contact Talbot House or send us an e-mail at info@talbothouse.org.uk

Thanks Bernie.

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Blog Archive
May 2015
Ron Keeling 26th May 2015
Talbot House is...by Ron Keeling
April 2015
Bernie's Blog 9th April 2015
In the beginning...
Bernie's Blog 9th April 2015
Some background information on our General Manager...
December 2014
Christmas Blog 13th December 2014
Oh Come All Ye Faithful...
December Update 1st December 2014
A long overdue post...
December 2013
LCCC Foundation 13th December 2013
LANCASHIRE'S PLAYERS and coaches brought some festive cheer to Talbot House on Wednesday afternoon. Led by Head Co...