Talbot House Blog

Feedback needed

25th January 2012

Due to the cuts from Manchester City Council we are collecting evidence in the form of a card or a letter about how Talbot House has helped you. For example if we have helped you with placements, benefits, emotional support, financial, direct payments, respite, education, reviews or IB's. Please would you find some time to help us with this and either contact Talbot House or send us an e-mail at info@talbothouse.org.uk

Thanks Bernie.

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Blog Archive
May 2013
Job vacancy 27th May 2013
A vacancy has arisen for a part time support worker in Wythenshawe
Chippy day out 8th May 2013
Talbot House parent/carers enjoyed a lovely chippy day out on the 1st May 2013
April 2013
Sad news 5th April 2013
We have recently had some sad news regarding a valued colleague and friend of Talbot House
March 2013
Broadcast 26th March 2013
BBC Radio Manchester broadcast live from Talbot House today the 26th March 2013.
Suprise visit 15th March 2013
On the 15th March Talbot House had a surprise visit
Pamper Party 8th March 2013
Our social group had a pamper party courtesy of volunteer Sabrina