Talbot House Blog

Fit for a Queen?

23rd March 2012

As part of Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee celebrations there will be an indoor garden party held at Manchester Central on the 23rd March 2012. Attending will be different people from across Manchester who contribute to the community and work tirelessly to help other people. Amongst these people will be our very own Bernie Wood and Francis Crake and whilst  they are there will be simply spreading the word about Talbot House.

Bernie said about the event 'It's an opportunity to network!'


Bernie and Fran off to see the Queen

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Blog Archive
June 2012
Packing 4 money 21st June 2012
Talbot House raise money helping Asda costumers pack their shopping
Jubilee Fun 8th June 2012
Talbot House celebrated the Jubilee in true style
Talbot House raise funds at the Manchester 10k run
May 2012
Chippy day out 11th May 2012
Annual fish and chip treat goes down well
April 2012
Talbot House's Royal Day 13th April 2012
Talbot House staff and carers had a right royal time when the Queen came to visit Manchester...
March 2012
Information day update 29th March 2012
Talbot House turned from Carer's Centre to Information Hub yesterday