Talbot House Blog

Great feedback

25th November 2011

On the 17th November 2011 Fran Crake and Beverley Dargan attended a 'Learning Disabilities Awareness Training day' at Fairfield General hospital in Bury. The day involved a presentation on how NHS employees from all different departments deal with people with learning disabilities in a hospital setting. Francis Crake (staff member at Talbot House) and Beverley Dargan (parent/carer) attended. Bev shared with the attendees her experience with son Nathan in a hospital environment. Fran and Bev were also there to promote Talbot House.

This was received with great enthusiasum and the feedback is as follow:

  •  Need to make this session mandatory for all level
  •  Hearing from parents and carers was very powerful.
  •  Need this session promoting on all sites.
  •  Informative and will enhance my skills.
  •  Fantastic session.

As a result of this Talbot House have been requested to make a regular contribution to future events.


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