Talbot House Blog

Please join the Independant Living Fund campaign

26th July 2011

Read below for an explaination by Jeanne Carlin:

I am the parent and I was shocked to see the announcement last week that ILF is going to be phased out over the next 5 years. I would like to do something positive to ensure whatever takes its place for people with Profound and Multiple impairments enables them to lead positive and dignified lives either independently in their own homes or with family carers.

I would like to start collecting information on what the ILF has meant to families so that we can ensure that the government, when they do consult on this hears our stories.

If you would be interested in contributing your story - what have you used ILF for and how has this enabled your son or daughter and your family to lead as 'normal' a life as possible - I would like to set up an email group. This is about positive evidence - we are not going to get the government to change their minds - so campaigning against the change will not help!!!!

Mencap have kindly offered to support me in starting to collect stories. If you would like to contribute your story or if you are a professional and know families who would like to contribute - could you email me at:



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Please join the Independant Living Fund campaign read below for an explaination by Jeanne Carlin:
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