Talbot House Blog

Bernie reaches final three for 'Inspiring Women'

20th May 2011













Bernie Woods went to a lunch last month to celebrate her status as an Inspiring Woman and ended up inspiring her fellow guests with the work of Talbot House instead.

The centre's General Manager went dressed up in her best to the Midland Hotel as one of the three finalists in the national competition on May 20, attended by first-rate females from all around the UK and addressed by psychologist and former basketball star John Amaechi.

It was her second trip in six months to such a grand occasion as she had also been in the last three for the Manchester Citizen of the Year 2010 at the city's historic Town Hall in December.

Once again Talbot House General Manager Bernie was pipped at the post for the top award - but she did not care as she combined having a great time with spreading the word about the centre's work as it prepares for its big move to new premises in the coming weeks.

Bernie said afterwards: “I had a great time. I love these occasions.

“When I first came to the old Peter Pan Centre 25 years ago - bringing up five children including the youngest Geoffrey with Down's Syndrome - I never dreamt of going to such grand lunches, but I don't do it for me.

“I am there to represent all the hundreds of parent carers across Manchester and the work they do and to network for them and Talbot House. I call it professional begging.

“I made lots of contacts with inspiring women and businesswomen who want to help and sponsor our work. They all came across to my table so I did not even have to get up and move!

“It was a marvellous occasion. I did not win but that does not matter. Lots more people now know about Talbot House and the work we and our parent carers do and want to support us, so it was a great success.”


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