Talbot House Blog

Jumble funds

4th October 2012

Talbot House volunteer Helen Bottomley organised two very successful fund raising days, a car boot sale which was held on the 12th August 2012 and a Jumble sale which was held on the 15th September of the same year. The Car boot raised £190 and the Jumble sale raised a staggering £353.50.

There was a lot of generous donations for the Jumble sale from parent/carers who access Talbot House and a lot of hard work by the volunteers to bring it together. Both events also brought the community together as people from the local area rummaged for a bargain.

Organiser Helen said 'They were both fabulous days and brought the community together. A great way to make some money for Talbot House'

If you are interested in donating for the jumble sale or buying a pitch for the car boot contact us on 0161 203 4095


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