Talbot House Blog

One Page profile's

1st March 2012

Talbot House has been working in conjunction with Oldham council to produce 'One Page Profiles' for parent carers who care for people who have a leaning disability. The session was held at Talbot House and was completed in a day, and with the information provided and a photo, a profile was produce and sent on to Oldham.

Five parents took part so it was a nice, small, friendly group. The profiles were received very well by both parents and professional.

One parent said 'What a simple way of communicating information about son's and daughters'.

For more information on this service please contact Talbot House on 0161 203 4095.

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Blog Archive
February 2013
Good as new 1st February 2013
Talbot House holds its second Good as new sale and coffee morning
December 2012
2012 Santa run 19th December 2012
Talbot House joined in the 2012 Santa run at Old Trafford football ground
Christmas Show 2012 13th December 2012
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October 2012
Wish campaign 25th October 2012
Help us by getting involved in the MEN Wish list campaign
Wythenshawe do 19th October 2012
Our Emma took the Wythenshawe parent/carers on a well deserved lunch
Black Tie Event 2012 18th October 2012
Talbot House 2012 Black Tie Event was a great success