Talbot House Blog

One Page profile's

1st March 2012

Talbot House has been working in conjunction with Oldham council to produce 'One Page Profiles' for parent carers who care for people who have a leaning disability. The session was held at Talbot House and was completed in a day, and with the information provided and a photo, a profile was produce and sent on to Oldham.

Five parents took part so it was a nice, small, friendly group. The profiles were received very well by both parents and professional.

One parent said 'What a simple way of communicating information about son's and daughters'.

For more information on this service please contact Talbot House on 0161 203 4095.

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Blog Archive
March 2012
Information day for parent/carers to be held at Talbot House on the 28th March 2012
Fit for a Queen? 23rd March 2012
Bernie and Fran on there way to see the Queen...
One page profile's 1st March 2012
Talbot House has just sent out it's first batch of One Page Profiles...
February 2012
Fund raising 29th February 2012
Raise money for Talbot House with your used printer cartridges
January 2012
Feedback needed 25th January 2012
We need to collect feedback on the work that Talbot House has done in supporting families in Manchester.
Let it Snow 5th January 2012
Christmas came early at Talbot House when we held our Christmas Show...