Talbot House Blog

Talbot House's Royal Day

13th April 2012

Bernie Wood (Manager), Carol Keeling and Fran Crake (Assistant Manager)

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee visit to Manchester last month proved to be a “Right Royal Day” for Talbot House.

Manager Bernie Woods and her assistant Fran Crake went to the Indoor Garden Party at Manchester Town Hall while parent carer Bev Dargan actually met the Monarch when she visited the city's hospitals.

Talbot House user Carol Keeling and brother Ron went to the BBC Party after Queen Elizabeth officially opened their new Salford Quays studio complex.

To cap it all and bring the day together Carol even managed to get a quick rest sitting in the Throne set up for the Queen in Albert Square outside the Town Hall (Pictured).

Bernie and Fran were invited to the main City reception in the Town Hall for all their work with Talbot House, supporting parent carers over the years and were within yards of the Queen and Prince Philip.

Fran said: “It was a great day and a great occasion. Wonderful to be so close to the Queen.''

Bev was actually presented to Her Majesty at the Manchester's Royal Eye Hospital for her work training nurse's and other staff about communicating with and caring for with those with disabilities.

She started the work about two years ago because of the time her 18-year-old son Nathan spent in hospitals and said: “It was just fabulous. I was there for all the people who work with the disabled and those with learning difficulties. Meeting the Queen was just ace. She chatted to me and was very interested in the work I had done. She seemed very impressed.”

And hairdresser Ron had a great time with Julie at the BBC – also getting close to the Monarch celebrating her 60 years as Head of State.

But for Carol the highlight was getting to use the Throne set up for the Queen in Albert Square after the Royal Entourage left the Town Hall.

Ron said: “She loved it – and looked good in it.”

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