With Friends

Fundraising is much more fun when you do it with friends.  Here are a few ideas to get your imagination flowing:

Tea party/coffee morning

Who doesn't like to get together with friends for a bit of cake and a hot drink and a good old catch up?  Turn it into a fundraising activity by asking your friends for donations to Talbot House

Barn dance

Find a real barn if possible and hire a good band. Recruit a caller who knows all the dances and can instruct those with two left feet. Charge for admission and refreshments. Make sure you sell enough tickets before the night, not just on the door.

Darts match

Charge an entry fee, have a raffle and refreshments. Make it fun - ladies versus, left handed throws only etc.

Football match

Donations on the gate and collections at half time.

Golf open days

Get a golf club to sponsor the event for you, invite club members and local businessmen for the tournament. Organise a raffle and auction in the evening as well. Or if you happen to be a golf captain then why not choose Talbot House as your charity of the year?

Quiz Night

Find a venue, create a quiz and invite all your friends and family along.  Pubs and community halls are a great option for this.  You can increase the fundraising on the night by holding a raffle.


Get fit and support Talbot House by being sponsored to zumba, get as many people involved as possible.