Talbot House Blog

Info day update

29th March 2012

Talbot House turned from Carer's Centre to Information Hub yesterday (Wednesday 28th March 2012) as dozens of people crammed in to find out more about the services available for individuals with learning difficulties and those looking after them.

Ten organisations ranging from solicitors through the NHS, Manchester City Council and 4CT Ltd to Respect for All Counselling came to the event at the High Peak Street, Newton Heath building.

And more than 30 guests – some Talbot House regulars and some first time visitors – came to find out about services available to them from a wide range of providers.

Keavy Murray, from 4CT, was there to talk about the youth centres she helps run for young people with problems in Beswick in Manchester. She said: “It is the first time I have been to the new Talbot House. It is great. It is an opportunity to promote our services to new people and meet other professionals in the field which is really valuable.”

Kath Shepherd, there with daughter Julie Depton, said: “This is a great event. It's good to know what support is available for my grandchild.''

Julie said: “This is the first time we have been to Talbot House. It's been really valuable and we have enjoyed it. We will definitely be back.”

Stacey Ashe – representing solicitors Birchall Blackburn – said: “It's really good for us to be here so people can meet us and find out how we can help in an informal setting rather than making an appointment to see a lawyer. It's not often you find a solicitor next to someone representing a youth centre!”

Parent carer John Bottomley said: “I have really enjoyed it. It is very helpful to get representatives of all the services available to help together.''

Organiser and parent carer 32-year-old Sabrina Wright – whose 14-year-old son Lee Ingleby took the pictures with this report – said: “I only found out I was doing this two week's ago. I've never done anything like this on my own before. It was five days solid work. I'm really pleased with it and how it has gone so well.;;

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